Centre for Territory,
Environment and Construction

Doctoral Programme

This PhD Programme aims to analyse the main risks associated to several natural hazards which are more common or of greater importance. It involves a partnership between four universities (University of Lisbon – Técnico Lisboa IST, University of Porto – Faculty of Engineering FEUP, University of Minho and University of Aveiro), the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) and a research unit within IST (ICIST).

Main Objectives:
  • Conduct hazard assessment;
  • Perform vulnerability analysis of the several infrastructures, including the interdependence effects;
  • Propose and prioritize solutions and techniques for the strengthening and rehabilitation of infrastructures to reduce their vulnerability;
  • Contribute to define prevention and preparedness policies and measures aiming at the enhancement of socio-economic resilience.

The main objective of the Doctoral Programme in Civil Engineering is to train highly qualified experts and researchers capable of conducting autonomous research, development and innovation work within academic or business contexts in the field of Civil Engineering. With the acquired set of skills and culture, it is also intended to enhance the interaction between the University and the entrepreneurial fabric and to contribute towards the competitiveness and sustainability of the Civil Engineering sector.

The Doctoral Programme in Eco Construction and Rehabilitation involves a partnership between five universities (University of Lisbon, University of Minho, University NOVA of Lisbon, University of Coimbra and University of Porto) and the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering. The programme is focused on the following main research domains within civil engineering:

  • (i) life-cycle analysis;
  • (ii) strategies for deconstruction, reuse and recycling;
  • (iii) sustainable and durable materials/products;
  • (iv) durability for sustainability;
  • (v) rehabilitation for safety, comfort and energy efficiency.

 The Doctoral Programme (DP) on Eco-Construction and Rehabilitation aims at funding a significant part of the students selected for the programme. Namely, there are nine scholarships available for the first edition of the programme, starting in 2014, but students funded from other sources can also apply.

The Doctoral Program in Solid Waste Management and Treatment is a pioneer at European level and is transdisciplinary, involving competences from the Centers for Territory, Environment and Construction (CTAC), Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability (MEtRICs), Institute for Polymers and Composites (IPC), Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE) and Biological Engineering (CEB) at the University of Minho.
The doctorate consists of a thesis project and the elaboration of a thesis, making a total of 240 ECTS, of which 210 are related to the thesis and 30 to the thesis project.
The objectives of the PHDWMT are:

  • promote excellence in research in the field of waste treatment and recovery.
  • provide specialized training that develops in students the ability to contribute to the advancement of waste treatment and recovery processes and technologies through creative and autonomous research.
  • Propose new solutions and new techniques and more efficiently optimize and exploit existing techniques.

The PDGTR gives students the competences, skills and research methods that ensure the ability to conceive, design, adapt and carry out a high-level scientific research project, according to internationally accepted quality and innovation parameters, also allowing them to design and implement new products and new business ideas.

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Master's Degree

The training provided by the Master’s in Civil Engineering (MEC) equips students with the skills necessary for the professional practice of Civil Engineering and for research and development activities in this area of knowledge. In the Master’s in Civil Engineering, students can choose one of the following areas of specialization:

  • Building Specialization
  • Structures and Geotechnics Specialization
  • Cities, Territory and Transport Infrastructure Specialization
  • Hydraulics and Environment Specialization

The Integrated Master’s in Civil Engineering at the University of Minho is an educational offer that is part of the strategic vector defined by the University of Minho and corresponds to one of the key areas of its mission – to enhance the educational offer and comprehensive education – through the construction and management of a diversified portfolio of teaching, academic and socially relevant projects, of educational practices appropriate for the acquisition of specific and transversal skills.

The overall objective of the Course is to train professionals with the appropriate skills for their integration into the labour market, ensuring that they have the capacity and responsibility to intervene at all levels of civil engineering acts. In addition to the general skills of any Civil Engineer’s profile, students will have a specific profile resulting from the training provided in the last two semesters of the course (Construction Profile; Structures and Geotechnics Profile; Hydraulics and Environment Profile; Transport Planning and Infrastructure Profile).

The training diversity of the main actors (students and teachers) who participate in this Course and the multidisciplinarity resulting from the defined curriculum constitute a factor of value enhancement of the offer in a context where the problems associated with development in the area of construction and civil engineering acquire greater relevance and multidisciplinary approaches are necessary to seek innovative, technological and at the same time sustainable solutions to the problems that professionals will encounter in the labour market.

University of Minho (Portugal), together with Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), Zuyd Polytechnic University (The Netherlands), Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), University of Malta (Malta), the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE) and several other universities and other non-commercial organisations, is coordinating an International Master Programme and Post-graduation in Sustainable Built Environment, which objective is to provide expert knowledge about the sustainability of the built environment to students with degrees in Civil Engineering, Architecture or related areas, in a way that is not currently addressed at the level of the other master degrees in Engineering and/or Architecture, being organized in a combination of theory, practice and experimentation in the context of project-driven training.

The overall objective of the Master’s program in Urban Engineering stems essentially from the emerging need to train professionals with knowledge and skills in the areas of urban planning, environmental and road infrastructure management, in a national and international context of population concentration in urban areas and growing concern for the quality of life of populations.

This training offer constitutes an opportunity to deepen the scientific and technical knowledge of senior managers, namely Civil Engineers and Territorial Engineers. Provided they have an adequate basic preparation, graduates in Architecture, Regional and Urban Planning, Geography and Geographic Engineering may also attend the Course.

The Master’s program offers a range of curricular units from the scientific-pedagogical areas of the Department of Civil Engineering (Planning, Hydraulics and Environment, Roads and Geotechnics) and has the collaboration of the Department of Management of the School of Economics and Management in the teaching of a curricular unit.

The Master’s in Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation aims to provide students with a background in Civil Engineering, Architecture, or related fields with knowledge that is not currently covered in undergraduate and master’s programs in Engineering and/or Architecture. The program is structured as a combination of theory, practice, and experimentation within a project-oriented learning environment, in accordance with the Bologna guidelines.

The Master’s program has two options, corresponding to two emerging areas of application:

  • Sustainable Building Design and Management
  • Building Conservation and Rehabilitation

The program consists of a coursework and dissertation preparation phase, which takes place in the first two semesters, and a dissertation phase, which takes place in the third and fourth semesters.

To obtain the Master’s Degree in Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation in one of the two options offered, students must obtain 120 ECTS credits. To obtain the Specialization Diploma, students must obtain 60 ECTS credits.

The Master’s in Engineering Project Management (MGPE) aims to train professionals to work in highly complex engineering projects with diverse profiles in the management of technological development and implementation processes. The training provided by the MGPE allows for specialization in three areas of engineering project execution: Industrial Engineering (projects in the field of manufacturing, manufacturing and services), Information Systems (projects in the field of information technology and information systems) and Construction (buildings and public works of civil engineering). The MGPE training provides competent and scientifically informed performance in the field of engineering projects, reconciling the scientific and technological knowledge of the field of action with the ability to plan, control and manage their execution in an economically viable way and with the appropriate quality levels.

International Doctorate

University of Minho (Portugal), together with the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), the University of Malta (Malta), the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE) and several other universities and other non-commercial organisations, is coordinating a high quality International Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Built Environment.